If you ask August Dunning he'll say water with baking soda. If you ask Sergei Filonov, he'll say meltwater into eastern European fruit kompot. If you ask a carnivore fanatic, they'll say bone broth and a fruitarian might say watermelon or coconut water. After trying each of these methods, logging results, and doing over 300 days of dry fasting and refeeding, I'll provide you with my views on the topic. To get updates and more detailed information on protocols and questions, make sure you regularly visit dryfastingclub.com and subscribe to get emails. This article on how to break a dry fast properly delves deep into common questions about breaking a dry fast.
What is dry fasting?
The obligatory "What is dry fasting" introduction. This is for those new to it that have stumbled upon this article. Dry fasting is the abstinence of both food and water. Normally when people think of extreme fasting they think of people drinking water only and possibly adding things like electrolytes or black coffee and tea. Removing all forms of food and water, and living on air alone is something that most people consider impossible, yet dry fasters are alive and in most cases, thriving. In fact, most fasters who eventually try dry fasting, never look back. It's that good. Just make sure you know the ins and outs before attempting it. When you dry fast you accelerate autophagy to unimaginable levels. You also pull toxins out of cells at an increased rate. Water fasting makes it so that your digestive system never takes a complete rest, and your cellular water never gets a deep clean. The most powerful aspect of a dry fast is the unique hormesis or "bodily stress" that occurs without water. This triggers a bounce-back response that increases stem cell production massively. Dry fasting is powerful, and with great power comes great responsibility. Dry fasting should not be performed until you have tried water fasting first, and should only be started with short dry fasts in the beginning. Now let's get back to the main topic of "How do you break a dry fast properly?"
What is the recommended approach to breaking a dry fast safely?
When you are breaking a dry fast is it important to keep things simple. I like to consider simplicity along with science. Philosophy and also a paleolithic comparison of how a process can relate to our ancestors and evolution. What do you think the average man broke a dry fast with a thousand years ago? In this case, my recommendation is to break it with only water. The water should be of high quality, and that means high-quality spring water like Evian, San Benedetto, or something else you may have in your area. You want natural spring water that has been filtered by the earth, not ozonated or treated in any way. The first day of the refeed is explained in my Scorch Protocol: Healing Long Covid and Autoimmune diseases. It consists of breaking with water for at least 6 hours and drinking approximately 2L of water balanced and portioned throughout the window.
Some even recommend adding a pinch of natural salt or drinking coconut water to replenish electrolytes. Just like August Dunning recommends baking soda. I'll talk about this a little more under the electrolytes question.
If you can handle it, then doing a full day of water fasting is very powerful to bring your body back online, but I am also aware that many do not have the discipline to do a full day of water fasting after their already long dry fast. A day of water fasting is a nice way to extend autophagy for another 24 hours, but as long as you follow the 6-hour window, you will be safe. A lot of people ask me what to do if I break the fast near the evening, which would affect my feeding window. In this case, I highly recommend transitioning into a water fast overnight. Set an alarm to wake up to drink water once or twice in the middle of the night. When you wake up you'll be ready to go straight into the refeed. There are specific situations that may require slightly more precise adaptations, but that is on a case-by-case basis, and usually, if I am guiding the dry faster.

Should you start with water or other fluids when ending a dry fast?
You should always start with water first. When you end a dry fast your body's digestive system has fully shut down. When people water fast, they actually don't fully shut down the digestive system because it is always operating at the liquid level. It has to filter exogenous "outside" water that you keep giving it. If you decide to give it distilled water then you introduce a different form of stress that actually pulls nutrients out of your blood, which is also not recommended during fasting. Because dry fasting is the only form of fasting that puts a complete stop to digestion, it means that you have to very carefully re-awaken it when you end the dry fast. That's why it is vital that you transition first to water. Water is the simplest form of fluid that your body can use to wake up. You allow your body to wake up in gradual stages. Incorporating anything that takes longer to digest, or that spikes your blood sugar at the same time, is asking for trouble. Of course, things differ if you've done a 24-hour dry fast versus a 72-hour one or even a 120-hour one. The longer you dry fast, the more important it is that you break it as slowly as possible. This is also the reason why you should never gulp down large amounts of water when ending a dry fast. You should always drink it slowly. As described in the Scorch Protocol refeed, you should aim for a cup of water every 30 minutes, and never down it, but drink it in controlled sips.
What foods are best to reintroduce after a dry fast to avoid digestive discomfort?
After you've broken with water, you slowly move on to liquids. Please stay away from using baking soda if not necessary. Liquids in this sense are super diluted juices. Notice that it's juices and not things like milk, smoothies, or soda. You want to focus on carbohydrates first. This means staying away from fiber, protein, and fat. That's also the order that you can slowly build your digestive system back up. Natural carbohydrates are better, because they have less sugar, and are bound with good sources of minerals. Think diluted fruit juices and not soda. Afterward, you can slowly introduce fiber and protein, but you want to stay away from fat at all costs for the first few days. Since your body's digestive system has been shut down, you truly have to take it in steps. Fat digestion requires a lot of bile production. Your bile system has been shut down as well. Turns out you need much longer for that system to become fully operational. Eating fat, and specifically animal fat (harder to digest) requires a lot of bile, and you will be causing a lot of discomfort if you eat it too early. Discomfort means that your body is struggling, and correlates to less powerful healing. Most of us dry fast for the healing benefits, so this is important information to keep in mind.
Many times someone I've been helping went a little off the path with the refeed. Recently it was uncooked oatmeal instead of cooked oatmeal. This isn't the end of the world, but you have to realize that cooked oatmeal is X times more digestible, and in return will provide you with less discomfort, more nutrients, and better healing. You really need to take digestibility into consideration and when following the Scorch Protocol, you need to be aware that the food progression is the maximum you should be reaching. If you start going for foods that are harder to digest than the recommended foods, you are actively sabotaging the protocol. When in doubt, always go for easier digestible foods. For example. If you have progressed to steamed vegetables, you can also keep eating anything from the previous days as a substitute, such as broth, kefir, or white rice. Don't forget that you should be chewing everything for as long as possible. Your mastication is your number one superpower when it comes to refeeding.
Are there any specific guidelines for the timing of meals when breaking a dry fast?
A complicated question with a nuanced answer. It's kind of similar to the "When should you start a dry fast?" question. You can choose to start a dry fast in the morning after breakfast, maybe at noon, or as many people choose, right before going to bed to get a headstart through sleeping. When it comes to the timing of meals when breaking a dry fast you need to consider your schedule, appointments, symptoms, and your mental fortitude.
It's also important to remember that we are working on healing our mitochondria when dry fasting. Mitochondria are the main energy producers in our body. Some people even believe that we're actually just a machine for the mitochondria to move around the earth. It's no doubt that the better our mitochondria function, the healthier we are. Long covid and a lot of other autoimmune diseases cause mitochondrial dysfunction. One of the most important correlations to mitochondrial health is your circadian rhythm. It is crucial to get sunlight in the morning, and (something not a lot of people are aware of) it is important to eat breakfast right after getting the morning sun. This builds up melanin levels in the body. Researchers discover melanin could make for great batteries. Knowing this, you should keep in mind that making sure you eat carbs in the morning can improve your life, as long as you have the discipline to stay away from carbs at dinner and not eat before bed.

In a perfect situation, you would be breaking your fast when you wake up. The Scorch Protocol and other refeeding protocols focus on starting around 9 AM. This allows you to tap into a normal feeding schedule and put in a meal about every 3 hours. This means you'll be eating at 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 6 PM, and 9 PM. It's a good strategy to control yourself during these eating times because it allows your body to get through most of the digestion in between meals. However, many people cannot control themselves and will snack in between. This is why during the Scorch Protocol I implemented possible snacking times with very light, digestible, and low-calorie snacks like cucumbers and bee pollen. If you can avoid snacking, do so!
If you start to suffer from intense detox pains, acidosis, or other symptoms, you may decide that is in your best interest to end the fast early. This may mean that you will be breaking it in the evening, instead of the morning. I want you to understand that it is acceptable, but in this case, you should do your best to transition into a water fast, meaning that you will not be taking in any calories until the next morning. This means that you can jump into one of the refeeding protocols without any problem. If you end up breaking a dry fast in the evening, you simply transition to drinking water. This should hopefully relieve a lot of cortisol build-up and lessen the ketone production, making you tired. Use this tiredness to your advantage and try to sleep through the night. You don't want to start drinking any calories because you will be sleeping for 6-8 hours. Technically you could set alarms to drink some fruit kompot or unsweetened coconut water every 3 hours, but the simplest solution is to avoid it until the morning. The moment you intake calories, your body will be entering the re-building phase. I talk about this phase a lot throughout my articles and protocols. As long as you stick to water fasting you will still be in the deconstructing phase. A lot of nuance goes into rebuilding and starting it, but then not providing the necessary fuel in the right timing windows is not optimal for your health.
How can you prevent overeating or consuming too much too quickly after a dry fast?
A great question. Overeating or eating too quickly after a dry fast is one of the most common and most damaging practices that new dry fasters do on a regular basis. You need to employ tricks to make sure that you don't overeat because every evolutionary signal will be screaming at you to eat and drink. Some people get lucky and don't feel the urge to eat at all after a dry fast, and they have a very easy time following the refeeding protocols. Unfortunately for most, this is not the case. If you're like me, you have a hard time sticking to the refeed. There's just some sort of itch that you need to scratch, especially if the food is around you. Maybe a little bite of this, or a bite of that? And suddenly, you're overeating.
Trust me when I say that overeating and eating the wrong things too early in a refeed causes negative consequences. Your immune system is growing back in the rebuilding phase. If you stress the digestive system by eating too much or eating the wrong thing too quickly, you will divert what little immune system you have to your digestion. After a large meal, the body dedicates a significant amount of energy and resources to the digestive process.
Here are the top theories and insights regarding the involvement of the immune system post-meal:
Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT): About 70% of our immune system surrounds the digestive tract, actively ensuring food pathogens are neutralized.
Inflammation and Overeating: Overeating, especially fatty or sugary foods, triggers a short-term inflammatory immune response.
Food Allergens and Immune Activation: Consuming allergenic foods activates the immune system, treating certain food proteins as threats.
Blood Flow Redistribution: Post-meal, increased blood flow to the digestive system directs more immune cells to the gut.
So much can go wrong when the body doesn't have its defense system operating at full capacity. There are pathogens everywhere around us, both external and internal. This is probably one of the most important things to consider when it comes to eating controlled portions and the correct food.

If you eat hard-to-digest foods before your body is ready for it, it may also cause complications in your digestive system that you won't recover from. Sometimes it will require you to re-do the dry fast to undo the damages. Usually, it's never so bad because you'll start by eating a very small portion and then realize you ate something you shouldn't have. If you run into this situation one of the most important things you can do is to drink a herbal digestive tea like Peppermint Tea. This allows your bile ducts to relax and speeds up digestion. It works in minimizing the damage. It's often recommended to stop eating if you've committed a mistake. Basically turn it back into a water fast for a little bit, simply to let your digestive system regain control. Filonov recommends taking a full water fast day, but I would say only do that in dire situations. Sometimes you can even induce vomiting if you've truly gone overboard and you know it. You definitely want to use this as a last resort because you are using up valuable chloride minerals. That's why potassium chloride is a great supplement to take in the first days as a salt substitute.
You will need a lot of mental fortitude during the refeed. A lot of this requires you to understand the struggle that will be coming up and being ready to face it. It's the naive that don't know what's coming that get hit the hardest. You can also come up with some strategies like distracting yourself. Trying to time in sleeping in between meals, especially in the early stages. Having a snacking plan in place. A meditation on speed dial, or a video game ready to go. It's also very wise to meal prep in advance, and separate meals using meal prep style containers and labeling them in advance.
Is it advisable to include electrolytes or supplements during the refeeding phase?
This is a hotly debated topic. The dry fasting purists will argue that you should not include electrolytes or supplements in the refeeding phase. I argue that using the correct ones is important. The problem with giving a blanket statement like 'Yes' is that a lot of people come from water fasting and are used to drinking a lot of electrolytes during the fast, including things like sodium. This is not good when it comes to dry fasting. Sodium is the main mineral you want to avoid for a few days after you break a fast. This is because your body holds on to sodium on steroids when you are dry fasting. It has to do with the hypertonic environment and lowered urinary excretion. Your body realizes that the acidity rises rapidly, and the blood thickens quickly, and this triggers powerful sodium retention mechanisms. You can see this in studies that track blood markers of dry fasters. The sodium levels initially drop, but then fully stabilize. If you take in larger amounts of sodium during a refeed your body will not let a single sodium atom go. This will cause bloating. A sodium retention bloat is very hard to get rid of and sometimes requires a secondary dry fast to help. For some reason the salt really gets stuck and you can't shed the water weight.
A lot of people who come to dry fasting have heard of the Snake Diet, and Snake Juice. These are the people who love their sodium, magnesium, and potassium homemade electrolyte drinks. Once again, you need to stay away from sodium. This is why in my protocols I use potassium chloride and magnesium supplements early on. potassium chloride can be bought very cheaply under different brands that call themselves salt substitutes. When you start moving on from fruit kompot to things like broths and soups, you'll notice that not having salt at hand is horrible. This is where things like potassium chloride save the day. It's not nearly as good as salt, but it helps. It also helps you replenish potassium levels which are important. Yes, the body holds on to potassium levels pretty well too, but it does lose it faster than sodium on a dry fast. Higher levels of potassium also correlate to longevity as opposed to higher levels of salt which actually correlate to morbidity. Magnesium is an overall magic mineral in my opinion, and most people are deficient in it anyways. It has a calming effect, so on top of replenishing your magnesium levels, you get to calm the nervous system which is vitally important after a cortisol driven highly stressful dry fast.
I also am against using baking soda to break a dry fast. There are many reasons, including that your body creates bicarbonate naturally as a buffer against acidity. During fasting your body is converting glutamine into ammonia and bicarbonate. Ammonia is released in the urine while bicarbonate is reabsorbed and used to buffer the acidity. Let your body naturally come off the fast and restore balance, don't shock it with alkaline baking soda UNLESS you are in acidotic shock and severe kidney pain. Not to mention, baking soda has sodium... an element we do not want after a dry fast.

There are a few other highly important electrolytes that you need to balance consciously for the biggest benefits and they include phosphorus and calcium, and other micronutrients. Please read my Filonov refeed variation article to understand the different foods and their electrolyte relevance.
What are the potential side effects or risks of breaking a dry fast incorrectly?
There are definitely tons of risks that can occur if you break your dry fast incorrectly. Some of them include hurting the gallbladder and bile production. Overloading the pancreas. Bloating with water weight. Make you sick. If you've gone for over a month of water fasting, or over 7 days of dry fasting, a bad refeed can land you in the hospital. Heavy foods right after an extended fast can be deadly. This is why following the refeed protocols is important and why understanding food digestibility levels is crucial.
Overeating in the first days after fasting.
If this happens after fasting and you have overfilled your stomach, you must induce vomiting and flush the stomach. Then resume the withdrawal in the usual manner. If you overeat, later on, conduct a one-day fast, then continue to withdraw using proper foods.
Excessive weight gain via water weight
This is why salt in the form of sodium is not to be consumed for the first few days, and even afterward it is important to limit it as much as possible. The body grabs onto this salt and doesn't let go. It is very hard to fix this, and why it's critical to avoid salt. If this happens to you, other than having to perform another dry fast in the near future, you can try to reverse it by water fasting for 2 days while taking hot baths and supplementing with potassium and magnesium and rebalance electrolytes and force the body to dump excesses along with the sodium. You can also try to perform a 30g Epsom salt flush that is described in the scorch protocol or under the intestinal cleanse for a dry fast article.
Exacerbation of underlying diseases
If while dry fasting your disease symptoms get worse, ideally, you will continue the fast and extend it if possible. Ideally, you exit the fast when you feel well, sometimes this requires you to push through as long as your heartbeat is not over 120bpm for extended periods of time while sitting still, and your urine pH is in the normal range. But if the symptoms are too much, and you decide to break the fast you need to be aware that the symptoms may continue during the refeed and you will feel terrible, but it is important that you continue the refeed correctly. If after a week of refeeding the symptoms persist, that's when we can start adding in medicines like ivermectin, nicotine, LDN, prednisone, etc.
Weakness, dizziness, fainting
This is usually due to people overdoing it with physical exercise. Physical exercise can be anything from walking too much, doing too many chores, working out, etc. This usually occurs during the first 5 days when rest is one of the main healing tools on top of good nutrition. Unfortunately, knowing your body and your limits after a dry fast is the only way you can know how far you can push it, but if you are fairly new to dry fasting you always keep exercise as low as possible the first few days of the refeed. I talk about this a lot in the Filonov Protocol Variation article, and the Can you exercise while dry fasting article. There are levels of exercise that you can do, but most people start too soon and risk these symptoms and possible muscle straining due to glycogen and hydration levels still not being where they should be.
How does the body's digestive system respond after a period of dry fasting?
If you do a medium-length dry fast and break it with something like uncooked vegetables, you can be in a lot of pain. You may get watery stool, cramping, nausea, and headaches. If you have meat or something extremely processed and fried after a really long fast, you can land in the hospital. Usually, you feel this by pain in the stomach, lots of cramping, and possible constipation as the food gets stuck in the digestive system.
Constipation after breaking the dry fast
If you land in this situation your best bet is to start drinking herbal digestive teas like peppermint, chamomile, and dandelion root, while also taking a laxative like magnesium citrate. You should stop eating the hard-to-digest food and transition to blended fruits and vegetables.

A fast fix that is recommended by many naturopaths is an enema. This is recommended on the second or third day of the refeed if you have trouble going number two. If you have a clinic near you, you can have a professional help you by assisting with colonic hydrotherapy. You should not be performing an enema on the first day, as this is when you are mainly rehydrating the body and waking up the digestive system. Doing an enema on the first day is too intense for your sensitive digestive system.
Are there differences in breaking a short-term dry fast versus a longer one?
Yes, as discussed above breaking a short-term dry fast has a lot more leniency than breaking a longer-term dry fast. You can go ahead and shorten the refeed days significantly after a shorter fast. Imagine this as condensing the refeed protocol like an accordion. Some young and healthy people can even go as far as breaking it with a carnivore approach (butter and eggs, maybe even meat) and get away with it with only mild discomfort. These are the main differences. The length and importance of the refeed. Every single day that you go longer on a dry fast, the refeed's importance doubles.
How do you ensure a smooth transition back to regular eating habits without causing digestive distress?
You ensure a smooth transition from a dry fast back to regular eating by following a protocol by someone with a lot of experience dry fasting and helping others. The most common and the one with the most years behind it is Filonov's refeed guide which can be found in Dry Fasting 20 Questions and Answers. It's a great book, and everyone who is serious about dry fasting should have a copy. You'll notice that proper dry fasting refeeds all have a lot of similarities. You'll notice that I build off of Filonov's refeed with a lot of trial and experimentation, bringing some science into it, while trying to min-max the healing and effects. I believe I've developed a more powerful entry and refeed protocol by building on it. I take into consideration autoimmune diseases, specifically long covid, something that Filonov and others are unfamiliar with.
A smooth transition is always characterized by digestibility first. You can see this as carbohydrates to fiber protein to fats. Not all macros are created equal. Protein from meat is different that protein from vegetable sources, or even from fermented sources. Plant proteins are shorter fibers and easier to digest. Similarly, fish meat proteins are much more easily digested than beef and pork. Similar reasoning. Nuts and Hard Cheeses should also be avoided as they are some of the hardest-to-digest foods out there. Beef and Pork last. If you were set on creating your own refeed protocol you could get away with juicing and blending a variety of fruit with the following in mind. First juice that is diluted or low in sugar with no fiber, followed by juiced and blended fruits and blended cooked veggies, followed by whole fruits and vegetables. Think of it like stacking digestibility.
Additional questions I get asked when breaking a dry fast
I'll touch on some of these in the podcast, but I'll work on giving more detailed answers on the website. So check back soon if the answers are not there yet.
Should I take digestive enzymes or probiotics?
Yes to probiotics, no to digestive enzymes. Our body produces digestive enzymes, while probiotics must be ingested, and are heavily trimmed during a dry fast. We don't want to introduce outside digestive enzymes because they may throw our body out of balance during the delicate refeeding process. There may be some interesting experimentation that can be done with digestive enzymes, but I would not recommend them, similarly to why I don't recommend baking soda unless there is a drastic emergency. The enzymes I am talking about are amylase, protease, lipase, and lactase.
Probiotics are highly recommended during a refeed as seen in Scorch protocol and other protocols. Filonov talks about Bolotov Whey, which is similar to a water kefir mixed with kombucha (but no caffeine), along with kefir. I use probiotic and prebiotic sachets mixed in water instead of bolotov whey, and then also recommend kefir.

How quickly can I return to my regular diet?
Follow refeed protocols, and stick to more digestible foods for as long as possible. You should be aiming to return to a regular diet in 2x the number of days that you did the dry fast. You are rehydrating your cells to function better, waking up the enzyme production, restarting bile and stomach acid production, and restarting the peristalsis and migratory muscle complex.
Should I avoid high-fiber foods initially?
Yes, very high-fiber foods are not advised on the first day or two of a refeed. Your digestive system will be overloaded after coming out of hibernation. Cellulase is an enzyme for breaking down cellulose but it's mainly gotten from fermented foods and supplements. Extended fasting can alter the gut microbiota composition. Many beneficial bacteria that help in the fermentation of fiber may reduce in numbers during fasting, making fiber digestion less efficient post-fast. As you rebuild your digestive system and slowly incorporate more foods your microbiome will grow as well and your intestine sensitivity will slowly go away.
How will breaking the fast affect my energy levels?
If you refeed with the Scorch protocol, you can expect energy levels to start returning once you get to the fruit water kompot stage. Energy levels will not truly return until you get to the oatmeal stage and can take longer depending on the severity of your disease and the length of your dry fast. The shorter the fast, the faster the body will come back online and the faster you can progress through the refeed. You will not have good energy until your glycogen stores are filled up, your cells are rehydrated, and your red blood cells are back to regular numbers.
Can I go back to intermittent fasting immediately?
Intermittent fasting is not advised during the refeed as the goal is to get high-quality nutrition into your body at strategic intervals so that you have a constant source of nutrients while not overloading the digestive system. Once your refeed minimum days are completed, you can start looking at intermittent fasting. This does not take into consideration fractional fasting, or doing an intermediate day of water fasting after overeating.
Is it common to experience weight gain after reintroducing foods?
Yes, it is very common to see the weight go back up quickly, but this is due to water. Your body is also more eager to form fat right away because it has been starved of macronutrients and is in a state of survival. You must coax it back to full metabolism slowly so that you do not gain excessive weight. That is also one of the main reasons for the 2X refeed time window.
Can I eat protein-rich foods like eggs or meat immediately?
No. However, I do advise eggs in their most digestible form pretty early. The digestible form is discussed in the scorch protocol. Still, the first day should not have much solid food. Eggs can be slowly introduced on day 2 or day 3 depending on how sensitive your body is after the dry fast. Meat in general is a big no-no because of the complex and long protein chains. Animal protein is harder to digest. The first animal protein other than eggs should be fish, then eventually chicken without skin, then beef, and then pork. Remember, the safest thing for maximum comfort and healing is to very slowly move up the digestibility chain.

Should I avoid caffeine during the refeeding period?
Yes, caffeine just like nicotine is a stressor that we should avoid during the period where we need to rebuild with as little stress as possible. This is why we avoid any form of fasting, too much exercise, heat, and cold stress, and need to sleep a lot. Not only that, but caffeine and nicotine are stem cell inhibitors, so you need to try to stay away from them as long as possible.
How will my body signal that I'm introducing foods too quickly?
Weakness, dizziness, and possible fainting. Flatulence and pain in the digestive system, pancreas, or elimination organs like kidneys and liver. It's very hard to fix the situation if you eat harder-to-digest food too early. Overeating on digestible and well-timed food can be fixed by a one-day water fast and adding things like magnesium citrate, and migratory muscle-stimulating teas like peppermint and chamomile. Read about the migratory muscle complex in my article about SIBO and dry fasting.
Is room temperature or cold water better for initial rehydration?
In an ideal situation, you will be drinking room temperature water for the initial rehydration, even though you may be tempted to drink cold water for its refreshing taste and feel. I've experimented before with cold water, ice cubes, hot water, and room temperature water, and the room temperature water always wins when it comes to feeling better, as well as taste. If the water is not from a very clean source like a reputable spring water brand or UV-disinfected well water, then make sure to boil the water first. This is one of the more critical steps in the first few days of a refeed as the immune system revs up. This correlates to a few other initial tips like avoiding cold water being one of them.
Should I avoid intense physical activity right after breaking my fast?
Yes. Even medium-level physical activity should be avoided, while sleep and rest should be prioritized. Walking small distances is good, but needs to be shortened compared to the walks advised during the dry fast. Intense physical activity will cause problems and you will very easily overexert yourself and possibly tear or strain your muscles. There is a glycogen and hydration deficiency, and intense physical exercise will damage the glycogen balance and force nutrients away from the glucose-dependent rebuilding of things like stem cells, red blood cells, reproductive organs, kidney cells, and brain cells.